Category Archives: Art to Love

Remembrance Everyday

I wanted to take a moment to recognize Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, today, his holiday. Everyone has different ways to celebrate. You could be attending one of the festivities going on in Atlanta, visiting the King Center Museum, or relaxing at home. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has been an inspiration all over the world. Here is how he still inspires artists today.

Timothy Teruo Watters

The 20th Century Christian Martyrs, Westminister Abby in London

Danny Daurko

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Park, Indianapolis, IN


Saint Margaret Catholic Church, Morristown, NJ

Nina Dinoff

David Fitcher, Little Five Points, Atlanta, GA

Robert Berks

James Dillon Wright

Whatever your life’s work is, do it well. A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

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Filed under Art to Love, Kimberly Love

Genius-ly Green

I respect turning “trash to treasure” and the people who have an eye for it. So I wanted to share amazing pieces that show the creative possibilities of recycling.

1. Shopping Cart Living Room set

Shopping at-home will never be the same. According to the creator:

… This project is about more than creative eco-friendly reuse or sustainable material innovation – it is about reclaiming private garbage and turning it into public outdoor furniture.

2. Annie Chair

Another shopping cart modeled chair.

3. The Clutch Chair

Created from 10,000 ordinary drinking straws, this chair is anything but. The chair which reflects on disposable contemporary culture was chosen as Curators Choice at Noise Festival 2008.

4. Fully Loaded Chair

This is probably one of the most explosive creations of artist Alexander Reh. The chair is made from 388- .12 gauge shotgun shells. Reh describes the chair as:

An odd dichotomy of comfort and demise is prevalent in this combination of furniture and weaponry.

5. Nickel Sofa

This may be one of my favorites. This sofa was created from 6,400 nickels and weighs 125 lbs. Vermont-native artist Johnny Swing made over 35-000 welds to create this sleek masterpiece.

6. “Refurnish Your Memory”

Created by Amir Zinaburg from Israel, this chair is made from melted aluminum cans.

7. Bath and Beyond Chair

This is an easily appreciated concept. The armchair is naturally weather resistant and consumers say it is surprisingly comfortable.

8. A La Lata Lounger

The phrase “A la lata,” translates as ‘to the can’ in Spanish. Artist Carlos Alberto Montana Hoyos used 1739 pulltabs and zip ties to create the hip chair.

9. Pencil Chair

Like my recent post about pencil sculpture, German artist Kerstin Schuz finds beauty in the same material. However, I can’t say this one looks usable.

10. Bottle Cap Mirror

This Baroque-esque mirror was modeled with thousands of bottle caps recycled by Rick Ladd from a local bar.

11. Suitcase Chair

Suitcases aren’t just for traveling anymore. Katie Thompson, designer of this linen upholstered chair says:

An object is no longer being used for its original purpose in life! That purpose has expired and I have recreated a beautiful ‘something else’

12. Vector Lounge Chair

The frame of this chair is constructed of aluminum bicycle rims.

13. Pen Chandelier

So what to do with all those pens post-graduation? This chandelier was made from pens that have been dried out custom-made for a nightclub in Portugal.

14. Newspaper Basket

Feeling adventurous? Learn how to make this basket by weaving newspaper! Here

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Filed under Art to Love, Kimberly Love

A #2 Pencil and a Dream Can Take You Anywhere!

“A #2 pencil and a dream can take you anywhere” – Joyce A. Myers.

A quote pertaining to the endless imagination of writers. However, artist Jennifer Maestre found special meaning in the use of pencils as well.

Originally, Maestre found inspiration in sea urchins and used thousands of pencils, a unorthodox medium. pencils were sharpened and strung together to make a large jewelry-like sculpture. The end result is a whimsy sculptural piece that satisfies the child within all of us and the sophistication of fine art.


Filed under Art to Love, Kimberly Love