What’s Your Color?

Colorstrology is an intriguing combination of astrology, numerology and color theory. It’s  basically your color horoscope. Each birthdate has a unique color in the same way that each birthdate has a unique sign. Some signs can work cohesively together, while others clash. The team at Pantone along with renowned astrologer Michele Bernhardt created this colorful insight into personality and experience.

According to my “birth color” I am;

FAR DEEPER than you appear, you have what it takes to go the distance. There is a lot more to you than meets the eye. You have a nice blend of wit and sensitivity and are known for your timing. You are meant to communicate and entertain…

Fascinating! I believe that colors and the reason people like/dislike colors important to understand especially in the design industry. My color, Heirloom Lilac, isn’t a color thwould be my first choice with all the rainbow at my disposal, but it calming and I find it quite pretty. Maybe Costrology is the future? Or maybe an aspect of design people use without knowing it. I can even put my “birth color” into a palette that I might actually use!

So what does your “birth color” say about you? Find out here.

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Filed under Inspiration, Kimberly Love

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